Category: Rome

Benedikt Hartl

My studio is my sponsored by German taxpayers. Thanx!!!! 🙂 What I do in one sentence: Always exactly the opposite of what the client wants. Why I didn’t get a “proper” job: I can’t sit in one place for hours without plotting an escape. Staring…

Lola Randl

My studio is my garden, where ideas grow through the decomposition of organic matter. What I do in one sentence: Deconstruction, research, and reconstruction. Why I didn’t get a “proper” job: Because there is not enough time from 9 to 5 to do what I…

Stefan Kaegi

My studio is my sketchbook. What I do in one sentence: I bring people together and organise time. Sometimes we call it theatre, but it can happen everywhere. Why I didn’t get a “proper” job: I have had many jobs: can collector, merchandiser, journalist, gallerist,…