Craig Dyer

My studio is my borrowed space for borrowed time.

What I do in one sentence: Attempt to create something that I myself would enjoy.

Why I didn’t get a proper job: I did. It didn’t last very long.

An artwork I dream of and I would get accomplished if space, time and money were abundant: I don’t consider those reasonable obstacles, if I can dream it, I’ll try and make it a reality.

Why I do what I do: It’s as much a compulsion as a profession, it’s something that I will continue to do for the rest of my life, regardless of what is going on around me / us.

Artists, I have on my watch list (and why): I’ve not discovered anything new recently, it tends to happen when I’m working on my own new material. I become very inwardly focussed.

I am afraid of Regret. (Not to regret something I’ve done but to regret something I didn’t do / try.)

How I want to be buried resp. words I want to be written on my tombstone: Not a thought I care to dwell on but perhaps a Viking-esque boat burial.